Those of you who have read my e-book "How To Become a Sales God" know that I emphasize a lot of nonverbal communication strategies. A lot of this information comes from several sources. First, Richard Bandler, and John Grinder; the creators of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Other resources are Daniel Goleman, from Harvard (emotional/social intelligence) and Alfred Korzybski(General Semantics). The unifying thread among these individuals is their analysis of non-verbal communication. It turns out MIT re-discovered what's been discovered.
Research has pointed out that roughly 7% of what you say is transmitted to another via the content (actual words). That leaves about 93% in limbo. It turns out that the 93% comes from body movements, facial expressions, eye movements, tone of voice, pitch, and pace. The founders of NLP provided the most comprehensive outline of how what we think is expressed by our non-verbal "cues." They did so by meticulously observing 3 of the most powerful therapists of the 20th century, Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls, & Milton Erickson (Gregory Bateson, also provided context for NLP).
The popularization of NLP also had an ambassador in Anthony Robbins. Robbins through his books & training became a powerful leader in the Human Potential Movement.
What's most interesting about this is the fact that much of this research is ignored. However, some institutions, such as the U.S. Military, have used the expertise of NLP trainers to enhance soldier performance.
I was reading a executive level business magazine yesterday, and found myself learning about the re-discovery of the power of non-verbal communication. Forty years after Bandler & Grinder innovated NLP, MIT, Human Dynamics Group, found evidence, analyzing customer service reps; that successful reps talk little & listen much; and logic, context, words mean little, what matters is pitch and tone. Wow, MIT on the cutting edge. Why, do we extend our learning curves so much?
Just in case you didn't believe me about the power of non-verbal I can reference MIT, lol; at least that adds more credibility.
-Angel Armendariz
1 comment: just figured this out????
I would of thought that as knowledgeable as you appear to be in the field of already knew this.
Hmmmm, interesting.
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