"When people get very good at doing things a certain way, they become surprisingly inept at learning new skills when changing conditions demand it. Numerous studies have demonstrated that novices have an easier time mastering new tasks than experts." - David H. Freedman, "The Cost of Competence" INC Mag., Sept. 07
Here we go with change again. It seems to be true when we do something well or "think" we do something well we start to treasure that methodology as if it were a material priceless possession. When we think we do something well most of us aren't very open to listening to new information regarding that topic. As such we become consciously ignorant and slowly become indoctrinated has beens.
Truly effective individuals maintain an infant like curiousity, especially in that which they consider themselves most skilled; for the value of any small distinction in our areas of expertise are incredibly valuable. Having a curious mindstate opens up our awareness to the plethora of information available to become more effective.
Remember that a closed system quickly sinks into an inert energyless impotent ash. Because our manners of speaking frequently consist of affirming things as absolute. We should focus on speaking in terms of what "seems" to be, or what is known of at the current moment. Speaking in a form that acknowledges continual change, and missing information allows us to be conscious of further advancement to be sought.
General Semantics, as founded by Alfred Korzybski, sought to bring to awareness the dangers of our habitual speech patterns. In a nutshell he indicated that our words are intricately connected with us at the most intimate cellular level. Thus speaking in terms of absolutes, especially absolute limits, constricts the growth development of our physiological organism.
Because changing conditions are inevitable; I figure that maintaining an active mental flexibility, and not being so attached to methods or doctrines; will increase our enjoyment of every turn in the road. This will naturally increase the probabilities of outcomes in our favor.
Angel Armendariz
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